This app Simple Cash Book lets you manage your cash transactions just like bank transactions. You will not have to calculate your cash balance daily. Keeps track of your daily cash balance easily. A person with simple knowledge of smartphones can operate this app. This is very easy to use. If you are an accountant then this is the best app to manage your daily cash transactions and to keep track of your cash balance. This app improves the productivity of an accountant or an individual. You can also use it as a cash register or your wallet manager. You can use it as your monthly budget planner. You can also use it as a simple ledger. You can take reports of your transactions in pdf format. This app is best for tracking your bank balance. This app tracks and prevents your excessive expenses.
Best app for who wants to make a list of how much money they have, who gave this money, where they spend this pocket money every day and after spending money how much money still we have that also shows. Highly recommended. No cluttering and sniffing. It is as simple as a pen and paper.
You can use it as your daily budget planner. No need to do unnecessary calculations.
No need to calculate your cash balance manually. It helps you reconcile your cash transactions easily.
Very good app. for bussy people.
Good application
5 Star for Making it Simple....but there should be more than one Balance sheet.....